Welcome to Sage Steppe Wild
Our new conservation organization Sage Steppe Wild seeks to protect, conserve, and restore the wildlands and wildlife of the Western United States, focusing on the vast Sagebrush Sea.
Explore these sagebrush habitats and the native wildlife that inhabit them. We comment on permits, management issues, and projects on public lands, undertake research and monitoring, and educate the public about the sagebrush shrublands, grasslands and steppes, pinyon-juniper woodlands, riparian areas, meadows, and forests of the Great Basin and Intermontane West. We emphasize science and field work as providing the primary basis for achieving our goals of better land management of these high-value and biologically diverse ecosystems.
Larkspur (Delphinium sp.) along central Nevada mountain streams. Needle-and-thread grass (Stipa comata). Lush ungrazed needle-and-thread bunchgrass steppe with sagebrush and scattered juniper, central Nevada.
Sage Steppe Wild
How Not To Be Cowed
Becoming an Effective Warrior
for Our Public Lands
Thank you everyone for attending this workshop on how to better monitor and conserve public lands in the face of livestock impacts! Our group of experts in western ecology and federal agency policy and management participated in a free workshop sharing expertise and cutting edge strategies with people wanting to learn more on how to maximize our effectiveness in protecting our public lands. More here with photos of the workshop.
Black sagebrush (Artemisia nova).
Sage Steppe Wild is a 501(c)(3) conservation nonprofit.
Donate to help us protect and restore the sagebrush steppe and Western wildlands.
Greater sage grouse hen (photo by SSW), pronghorn antelope herd facing a barbed-wire fence (photo by SSW), and a grizzly mother and cub (photo courtesy National Park Service).
Sage steppe biodiversity loss and groundwater depletion with cattle grazing. Illustration by Karen Klitz.
Healing the Land
View of Warner Lakes from Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Oregon. See direct evidence of how removing livestock from public lands can start the process of recovering natural ecosystems. Healing the Land.
Pando Clone
An ancient aspen clone is impacted by cattle grazing and trampling.
Jonathan Ratner's research coming soon>>>
Bull Trout
Explore former bull trout streams in northeastern Nevada, discover ancient relict beaver dams before huge livestock impacts. See how we are working to restore these watersheds and native fish. Image courtesy https://www.ndow.org/species/bull-trout/
Karen Klitz's research coming soon>>
Cattle impacts to the Sagebrush Steppe are enormous. Join us to learn how to participate in improving public lands management, and restoring vibrant native ecosystems and wildlife. Learn more
Website material Copyright 2024.